
I'm here to write about my life~~ =)

6/2/2009, thursday, 10.00pm, EUPHORIA
Almost the whole 'HIAO' family members went to the clubbing to celebrate WEI JIE birthday~~

some of the Hiao family members.....

yann peng, kathlynn, boey, me , yeeleng, and moi ping (from left)

vincent, andrew, pahna, kah yong and WEI JIE (from left)

WEI JIE, me and boey


kathlynn , boey n me....'cheers'

yu chuen n me

cute boey n me

38 vincent and me

me n kah yong

me and pokiet

pahna and me

my dear kathlynn n me

it so high at that night. All of us are very enjoy it..haha^^


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